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Writer's pictureDarren Cowlbeck

Enhancing Employee Productivity and Satisfaction

Updated: Jul 18

Case Study: Solving Company A's Employee Problems with Psychological Principles


Company A, a global pharmaceutical company, was experiencing a decline in employee productivity and satisfaction following their annual employee. There were increased absenteeism rates, low morale among workers, and a noticeable decrease in overall performance metrics.

Problem Identification:

Upon investigation, we found that employees were feeling demotivated due to several factors:

- Lack of recognition for their efforts.

- Poor communication from management.

- Inadequate opportunities for skill development and career advancement.

- High levels of stress and burnout due to work - life balance.

The Talk2 Group Co. Ltd Psychological Approach:

1. Employee Motivation and Recognition:

- Implemented a recognition program based on principles from motivational psychology. This program included regular acknowledgment of achievements, both individually and team-based, through public praise, certificates, and small rewards.

- Utilised techniques such as goal-setting and feedback sessions to align individual goals with organisational objectives, fostering a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

2. Communication and Feedback:

- Improved communication channels between management and employees. This involved regular town hall meetings, open-door policies for managers, and anonymous suggestion boxes to encourage honest and timely feedback (as opposed to the annual survey).

- Applied principles of effective communication and active listening to ensure that concerns and suggestions were addressed promptly and constructively.

3. Employee Development and Well-being:

- Implemented training programs and workshops aimed at enhancing skills relevant to employees' roles and career aspirations. This not only improved job satisfaction but also provided opportunities for growth and advancement within the company.

- Introduced wellness initiatives such as mindfulness sessions, stress management workshops, and flexible work arrangements to promote work-life balance and reduce burnout.

4. Data Analysis and Continuous Improvement:

- Used data analytics to monitor employee engagement levels, absenteeism rates, and performance metrics before and after implementing interventions.

- Conducted regular surveys and focus groups to gather qualitative feedback on the effectiveness of implemented changes and areas needing further improvement.


After implementing these psychological strategies over a period of six months, Company A observed significant improvements:

- Employee productivity increased by 15%, as measured by output per hour.

- Absenteeism rates decreased by 20%, indicating improved job satisfaction and reduced burnout.

- Employee morale and engagement scores improved, with a noticeable increase in positive feedback during employee surveys.

- Overall, the company saw a positive shift in organisational culture, characterised by improved teamwork, communication, and a shared commitment to achieving common goals.


By applying principles from psychology, particularly in motivation, communication, and employee well-being, Company A successfully addressed the underlying issues contributing to low productivity and morale. This case study highlights the importance of understanding human behaviour and emotions in problem solving within business challenges effectively and fostering a productive and supportive work environment.

The Talk2 Group Co. Ltd. coaches companies on how to solve problems using psychology techniques
Enhancing Employee Productivity and Satisfaction

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