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Rethinking problems using psychology techniques

We are regularly involved in projects around decision making. We use several aspects of cognitive psychology and problem-solving strategies. Let's break down each point and explain how they relate to learning, decision-making, and problem-solving:

Selective Attention and Information Processing:

Cognitive behaviours involve selectively attending to relevant information while filtering out distractions. This is crucial when focusing on gathering specific information amidst external stimuli or competing inputs.


Language plays a role as it facilitates communication with others to acquire knowledge or exchange information. This process involves both active listening and effective communication skills to ensure accurate information exchange.


Informed Decision-Making:

Making informed decisions requires gathering appropriate information, reasoning effectively, and managing urgency. It involves cognitive processes such as evaluating options, predicting outcomes, and considering potential biases (heuristics and biases in decision-making).


Problem-Solving Strategies:

Problem-solving often involves navigating a problem space towards a goal state. Means-end analysis is a strategy where you break down the problem into subgoals and work incrementally towards solving each part.


Structuring problem representation helps in understanding the problem's components, relationships, and constraints, which aids in devising effective solutions.


Analogue Transfer:

Analogue transfer, or analogical transfer, is a technique where solutions from one problem are applied to solve a similar problem by mapping the structural similarities between them. This process leverages similarities in problem structures to derive solutions, promoting efficient problem-solving across different contexts.


Each of these cognitive processes and strategies plays a significant role in learning, decision-making, and problem-solving. They highlight how individuals utilise mental resources, apply learned knowledge, and adapt strategies to effectively navigate complex tasks and challenges. We integrated these concepts into the training and education to enhance cognitive flexibility, critical thinking skills, and adaptive learning strategies.

Case Study: Rainbow Support Network

Decision reasoning & problem solving

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