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Advances in psychological, medical, and physiological research have led to a changes in the way we think about health and illness. We now consider a biopsychosocial model that views health and illness as the product of a combination of factors including biological characteristics (e.g. genetic predisposition), behavioural factors, (e.g. lifestyle, stress, health beliefs) and social conditions (e.g. cultural influences, family relationships and social support). The understanding of the body-mind-behaviour relationship has dramatically changed medical system and practice.



A reality check is on its way, coming from external forces that will require pharmaceuticals to change. At a time when 72% of patients want systems more focused on prevention, the experience of care is pushing them further from treatment at the right time—or from any
treatment at all. At the same time, many future product launches will be nano- or micro- meaning a much more sophisticated patient and customer strategy is required.

Marketing needs to be at the centre of customer engagement - reimagine marketing to deliver on product, but allows for the design of the customer too.

Product strategists: focus on the needs of the product.

Customer Engagement Specialists: will create smart, predictive and flexible customer journeys based on
a deep understanding of the diversity of their customers, their interests and routes of engagement (e.g., conferences they’ll attend or clinical trials they’re involved in).

It's time to rethink the customer engagment planning process.


Let The Talk2 Group help: :

Planning Customer Engagement from the Centre

Define the new KPIs that will be important for measuring customer engagement success. Then start tracking them, such as Net Promoter Score, customer satisfaction or customer advancement along the engagement journey.

The Talk2 Group can help you create individuals with human-centric design and test-and-learn capabilities.

Mail us: 


The “rep as customer relationship owner” mindset is also
limiting from a data and insights perspective*

Unbundling reps will set them up for greater success, make their customers happier and advance the organisation toward better outcomes and business results.

Thanks to technology, the rep and their organisation can use richer information to guide them as they act differently. They can truly
understand more about their customers—their practice, patients, work processes and systems, not just their preferred treatment choice or
their channel preferences.

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